Baseline report on emissions reductions and climate effects in Maine

Yesterday at the Augusta Civic Center, my working group reported to the Climate Council on the current effects of climate change in Maine in these areas:

  • Climate and terrestrial ecosystems
  • Marine systems and sea level rise
  • Forested lands
  • Agriculture and food systems
  • Human health
  • Economic activity

I was privileged to work with a great group …

Maine is on track to meet ambitious goals for emissions reductions

ce: Maine DEP: Eighth Biennial Report on Progress Toward Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals

But the easiest reductions have been realized.

To achieve the state’s ten-year and thirty-year goals, transportation and heating must be powered by clean energy.…

Maine has decoupled economy from emissions

Source: Maine DEP: Eighth Biennial Report on Progress Toward Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals

Prosperity no longer correlates to consumption of fossil fuels.

Other states are doing this too — but Maine leads in this area.

Progress report on expanding renewable energy generation in Maine

Mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change, and increasing renewable energy generation within the state, are priorities of Governor Mills’ Administration. Working together with the Legislature, Maine has made significant progress moving forward on these issues. Reducing the State’s dependence on fossil fuels and transitioning to a more diverse portfolio of clean energy

“Partisan posturing and skinny mix won’t fix the roads. Creative ideas will.”

“…I’m not opposed to using some general fund dollars to improve our infrastructure, boost our economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

In her State of the State address, Governor Mills challenged the legislature to solve the state’s transportation funding gap.

Joining that challenge, I welcome discussion of any new transportation funding models which incentivize more …

“…I’m not opposed to using some general fund dollars to improve our infrastructure, boost our economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

In her State of the State address, Governor Mills challenged the legislature to solve the state’s transportation funding gap.

Joining that challenge, I welcome discussion of any new transportation funding models which incentivize more …

Electric school buses to debut on MDI

In a competition for money available from the Volkswagen settlement, in which the carmaker agreed to pay $14.7 billion nationally toward pollution mitigation to settle an emissions-cheating scandal, Mount Desert Island High School won $280,000 to offset most of the cost of a new electric bus.