The Great Perpendicularity approaching the portrait of George Washington

State Representative Brian Hubbell: Maine House District 135, 2012-2020
Bar Harbor, Mount Desert, and Lamoine
The Great Perpendicularity approaching the portrait of George Washington
Being part of the solution:
MDI High School to have more than 1,300 solar panels installed on roof, Bangor Daily News, 17 Mar 2019
Demanding real solutions.
So far, so good. This is the first real appropriations milestone for this session.
Gov. Mills Signs $7.5 Million Spending Plan, Maine Public, 14 Mar 2019…
Clarification about the percentage annualized increases in appropriations that are proposed by the Governor’s budget.
Maine can do this. We have the resources, capacity, and technology for an economy that is built on renewable energy. We just need a plan with measurable goals. I’m optimistic that we will get there.
As we start four weeks of public hearings today, here is an overview and outline of budget-related information which I will maintain: